Monday 25 October 2010


Flight good arrived in gatwick at 11am,dad pick us up and took us home joy joy xxx

Sunday 24 October 2010



Thanks to stu and Claire hard work yesterday registering etc we manage to get the exit seats,a big result,much more leg room,joy joy joy.stu,feeling very happy with him selves,he is good,lol xxx may get some sleep on the way back now with any luck.hour delay has been put on flight all ready,that was not in stus plan lol surprise he hasn't ask to speak Richard Branson.should be flying about 2am Monday in your time on a 9hour flight,not so long on are return joy.XXXXXXX


It's nearly mid day on Sunday here,be about 8 in evening where you are ,we will begin our journey to the vegas airport in about 2 hours,had a lay in this morning,ready for a long journey home.I'm sitting in macdonalds with a large tea,cookies and a apple pie writing my last blogg in the US.stu already getting a bit stressed working every thing out on where and what time we have to be by the min,there going to  have breakfast in hotel I could not wait for them as hes still-organising the military with draw from Vegas lol.I think he would like me on a lead today,he phoned me twice asking where I am and reminding me the time I have to be back at hotel ,he's even just text me the time and place where I have to be lol(bless him).signing off now as got to get some fruit for flight and the time is ticking. Lol. Xxxxxxxxxxx. 


Today i started at the outlets about a hour before stu and claire as they are still dealing with their  jet lag there' body clock' lol.I got to outlets with a couple of hip cups but got there in the end, wasn't tempted with much today,except for some spinning socks .But there must of been some bargains there as stu actually made some purchases and of course claire could not be out done and bagged more than stu lol, couple of things that amused me today at the outlets.                 I went to the toilets to relieve my self and I opened the male toilets seeing another row of slot machine ,with people operating them lol it's just like you cant get away from them even in the toilet, suppose the wife can't see what they are up to in there and yes they  do have to step away to relieve THEM selves it wasn't a slot machine that you could multi task, mind you i can see your mind working one hand on the pulley and the other hand, well you no.
The other thing that amused me was I went in the casoline store to buy some bits,the woman was so jolly and pleasant behind the counter and asked if I wanted a bag for my bits,I answered "no thanks i got some room in mine",she got VERY excited with my answer and seemed to have a pre scripted answer ,she said it loud and with a cue behind me it went "thank you for saving the environment and for saving AMERICA",I felt quite pleased that my efforts seemed to go down such a long way with this lady i was even thinking she was going to clap me,i felt that i had saved America on my holidays, I wished her a good day lol.
Came back with stu and Claire done a couple more shops and we brought some show tickets for the lion king,they went to sort our flights seats out with virgin on the computer and pick the shows tickets up for tonight ,busy bees lol,I went to macdonalds to do my blog and have a big cup of tea lol.then went back to my amazing room where they had made my bed joy.I went back to have a shower and relax for half a hour before I went to the show,didn't want dinner tonight so I have the responsibility to get to the show by 8 on my own all I'm dead was well done,but not really for me.
After the show stu signed me up with a players card,as with the show tickets you get 10 dollar(£7) to put in the machine free if you like ,by the way of a card.What you do is do the paper work to get your card,then stick it in two one of the thousands of slot machines and keep having a go until your money runs out(you could say a pointless exercise but it keeps stu happy)today I won at Vegas,I didn't put 1dollar in the machine,not tempted,I'm Vegases worst night mare lol.
Reflecting on our holiday.   
We have  done a lot while being in the USA,in some ways it feels like we have been away longer than what we have,may be as we have done so much in the short time,buts it's  been a good break and a good experience once again.The things I will not miss is the constant tipping,customary to this  country ,which comes hard to us English,we may tip in our restaurants and that is it, in the US they seem expect a tip for so much more,not ideal.But it's  been enjoyable travelling with claire and stu(bless him)in the past 9 days.We have had a good laugh and a good insight on how the Americans  live and operate in the major cities and the small towns that we have passed  in our journey along the coast of the pacific,certainly been encourage by the way we have been treated,customer service in this country in all the parts we have passed through has been generally excellent(except car rental man).people that we have stopped to ask for help or direction or advice have been so couteous,they go out there way to help and seem to be please to be of help..  I've come away in courage once again in the human nature displayed to us by the American people and other ethic people all around the world who we come across in our journey,WELL DONE AMERICA..Also I always find it quite amazing how that the  millions of people that live in cities with a massive diverse of people,that the whole operation seems  to work in pretty good harmony.Vast majority of people seem to play by the rules so that the cities move smoothly.I once again am sitting in my singing and dancing 5star room, 39 floors up off the ground in my boxers with that picture view of VEGAS(yes I did work out how to shut my curtains ,I had a button by my bed that says GOODNIGHT on,I pressed it and the curtains closed and lights went out,how cool is that Matt) My last night tonight,this time tomorrow I be in the plane on way back to gatwick going home, love going away but love going back home to my family and friends and my routine of life FB gym just right banana sandwiches and un made bed etc lol.i hope you have enjoyed my blogg I have enjoyed doing it,if any ones been viewing lol,thanks for comments by Matt,Lisa and Anna ,o yes and stu ..Hes not that clever as today he had a big comment that he had sorted out this morning on the computer and he was about to  post it when he deleted it by mistake lol I expect he have a bit to say when he gets  his act together,they told me tonight that they seem to of got rid of their jet lag at last,shame there going back tomorrow back to England there body clock will be all out again lol .I will make another blogg tomorrow,in about 13 hours we begin our final journey home.xxxx     

Saturday 23 October 2010


Off to the shopping outlets to day,after going to macdonalds for breakfast.we are 8hours behind you,it's 8 on Saturday morning we have today and till about 4 in the afternoon tomorrow.then our journey begins back to gatwick London .the day is looking hot and sunny today.xxxxx



A good and short flight from LA t0 VEGAS,we arrived in Vegas confronted immediately in the airport by the rows of slot machines,we new we had arrived in VEGAS.As you may no I have done Vegas before and you may not believe this but stu made the discision to hand over the IN charge tabard or baton over to me,I must say I felt slightly nervous ,but felt it would be a good opportunity to impress him.I was feeling quite important marching in front of stu ,instead of me behind him with Claire on my side.With me in charge there there was  less hand moments and I never had a book or a map which he never seems to put down and frequently watching his watch to see if the holidays was running on time also I wasn't so bosses or stresses when given intruction lol.
4 min in,DISASTER occurs don't like to admit it but we should of been going to baggage,but I took them up to the escalator to  CHECK in reign of being in charge lasted all about 4min,it felt good while it lasted,the in charge tabard or baton went straight back to stu and me and Claire were back behind looking at his back with his maps and books and arm actions back directing the holiday,he's loves it bless him lol but now he thinks he even more important than he already thought he was before the event.(Claire said he fell asleep with his map over his face the other night lol) on route from airport to hotel he was even educating the lady who was driving us to the hotel who lived in Vegas for years,about the many facts he has on Vegas,he just can't help him him self(bless him)I never heard so many facts about the places we visited,does he think me and Claire listen to him lol.tell you what he never be out of a job,TOUR GUIDE for any where around the world,for people who like to be educated when on holiday,NOT.
                  VEGAS, what a place,built on a desert middle of no where,where they have built the biggest gambling city in the world.Huge huge business ,the hotels are some of the best in the world,we are at a brand new one called  ARIA cost around 23 billion, not easily impressed but outstanding ,enormous like the size of a town.My room is the best I've ever stayed at,state of the art in many ways,like when I first opened the room door,the curtains starting opening and some cool welcome music switch on with the the most amazing view of Vegas appeared all I was waiting for was the sexy lady to jump out of the wardrobe,but that was a added extra operate the curtain lights temp tv radio alarm room service on the tv's also been nice to get in a made up bed every night lol.                                                                              But if every one was like me in the gambling ,Vegas would be bankrupt ,not impressed how people constantly loosing money,shows what a addiction it is.I may do 5dollars I see ,Claire not up for the gambling but stu seems to be taken in by the bight lights and the big machines and has done several dollars all ready,me and Claire may have to start watching him,I expect he pull a book out tomorrow on how to beat the machines he's  also seems to be interested in the table games as well  he keeps studying them,he's been asking people this holiday for lucky numbers he has about 5 of them,I just hope he picks the right ones out in order lol.
Today when we arrived we done a three hour walk around some of the every hotel the ground floors has shops eating places and many gambling machine and tables.after that we watched a show 'elvis' world class,that's the other main attraction in Vegas world class shows we enjoyed it.
We have another 1and half days before we head back to England stu and claire will need a week all so to recover,signing off now ,sitting here by the window with a stunning view but thinking will I be able to close the curtains lol




Friday 22 October 2010

Leaving LA off to VEGAS

It's now our Thursday morning ,be leaving LA this morning off to a small journey to the airport in the cadillac ,saying good buy to my lovely Cadillac and LA,but Vegas here we come.the plain journey to Vegas is just over a hour,so not that much travelling today.catch back up when I get to Vegas xxxx

Thursday 21 October 2010


Follow me!

On the right hand side of the web page it says followers. Below it shows a button worded follow. Click this, it will open up a new page. If you don't have a google account, there is a hyperlink which says 'create a new google account', click this. It takes you to a new page where you create your account. You can then go to the blog and type your comments in the comment box. It's free to create a google account, they don't ask for card details, it's quick and easy to set up. Folow, follow, follow! 

Stu didn't quite make it spinning what a surprise xx

I be there tomorrow. Lol xxxx


Today after breakfast got back into our cadilac and stopped off about six times at shops which Claire had already planed out before she left the England,thats what I call a PROFESSIONAL shopperlol ,pleased to say we have got a boot that can cope with the many bags,goodness knows what going to happen at the airport today has been rainy in LA,only gets 20 days a year of rain we had to be here to see it and from a small distance we saw the biggest flashes of lighting we have ever seen a bit scary but exciting as well. 
LA is huge,great shops to rubbish shops,sexy parts and not so sexy parts.very rich to the very poor,the people we have come across have been pretty laid back,and generally very nice and helpful .car driving is generally calm and drivers are very courteous ,even in the major city of LA.the shops literally go on for miles upon miles,can even drain the most professional of shoppers like Claire.
Stu has been single handily been navigating us around LA,must say hes doing a good job,he's even beginning to feel like a local, helping tourist where to go,I suppose American is in his blood so he could be a local lol.also he's even been trying to tell americans how to drive,he does get a bit stressed bless him.driving been good fun and cheap£100.00 tank in our country £33.00 here bargain.going on the right hand side and going round roundabouts the opposite way just like being back home lol.
The hotel that we are at for the next two nights is 5 star and very nice it's on the Hollywood strip,it's where the stars are put in the payment.we had dinner tonight close by the hotel which they sung happy birthday which was not ideal' thanks claire',only 40 once I suppose.stu was wondering where we would go for our 80th I suggested the same place,but i would help Claire get him out of bed in to his wheel chair in the morning and feed him when I finish my spinning session lol.he's going to go spinning with me in morning,we will believe that when I see it,they are having a good time but they are as they put it 'shattered',it's almost all to much for them,they keep talking about there "jet lag"and there "body clock"being out lol,must say I'm  fine don't no what they are going on about lol,they have retired to bed tonight at 930 as they were struggling to operate,bless them.But I suppose they only move a  mouse around the table all day.
We have another day full day in LA tomorrow,which stus tonight has organised down to the mini second,got to be ready by 9am sharp bless ,hes head lined the day tomorrow as a "TOURIST DAY"lol we are firstly having breakfast then going across the road to madame tussores then a bus tour around the famous parts of LA,then a 3hour visit to universal studios,see how they cope with that! lol.
This post I will do in morning as no Internet ,hope all well in England keep following my blog many thanks kev xxxxx


Wednesday 20 October 2010


It's our birthday,in LA having breakfast in some trendy breakfast cafe that Claire pulled out of her booklet,very sexy.yesterday we in the end drove to LA and found a hotel at about 9pm,we done about 300 miles,stu navigated,Claire looking for names on post and road marking and me driving,we done it together HALLELUJAH!
As I Woke up this morning laid there to see if I could still move my feet,legs and body now that I am 40,amazing I can still can do it.Got up went to gym to check I could still do spinning and yes I did it,there may still be life after40.mind you stu was going to do spinning with me the night before,come630 in the morning he could not get himself out of bed,funny that perhaps life going to be even slower for stu now he is 40lol
Plan for today is to book into our pre booked hotel and then go to some of the shops in LA,great.stu been organising the days events as I been doing my blog ,again like a military operation,me and Claire just say yes in the appropriate places,entertain him,bless him lol
Thanks for your texts and comments,about our birthday,keep them coming,I also have had followers that have made no comment,sort it out Trendy uncle Gray.signing off many thanks keep being part of my blog take care. Xxxxx

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Making good progress

Been travelling for the past 6 hours,with a couple of breaks,all going well,in star bucks ,having big cup of tea's just gone 5 on Tuesday afternoon,we going to travel about another 60 miles to malibu,which then will only be 20 miles to LA which we do in morning.I have just work out it's about 1.30 on Wednesday morning where you are which makes it my birthday JOY.HAPPYBIRTHDAY STU X we made it!!!! I blog when I get to Malibu xxx

What a day!

WHAT A DAY........seen the worst american service to the very best .started the day off by the great cafe opposite our hotel,stars cafe,enjoyed a great breakfast,fruit,pancakes and toast.
Then got our luggage and a taxis to the car rental office into town at around 10am,expecting to pick up our luxury cadillac car,joined a large cue eventually getting to be served by the most un helpful human being on earth.we were told by the travel agent in writing to pick the car up at this place at10am but MR unhelpful (car rental man)told us the car was at the airport and for us the customer had to sort it out,don't no if people generally just put up with this customer service from MR un helpful but he pick on the wrong two this morning,he made not one bit of effort to sort the issue out,told us it was our problem and that we had to pay and take the hour journey to the airport,picture the scene,major discussion taking place by me,stu and mr un helpfull about the car,with a big cue building up behind us in a little office.we were trying to educate him that we were the customer and that he had to sort it out,then we seemed to be getting no where at all,mr un helpfull was not coping well with me and stu he ask us to leave the office or he would phone the police and get us removed.(I was getting a vision of me and stu in jail for are our birthday and Claire trying to get the bail money to get us release lol).after about the forth time of him telling us that he was about to phone the police we left the office ,  the 20 people behind listening to the whole 15 min event also getting very impaient with the situation ,we were not going to go with out a fight,not literally I'm afraid, we then found the  boss who we were pleased to say was mr helpful and apologetic within a hour we had our black shiny Cadillac,we were a bit stressed about the whole situation but not out lol.
The journey a long the coast began a bit late but we started our journey south bound on the 101 heading the 430 mile journey toLA.we done about 150 miles stopping at Monterey              Then we done another 30 miles and stop off at the big sure,  In a lodge cabin for the night.
The day started bad,but really improved as the day went on,the journey along the coast,AMAZING not easily impressed but yes impressed. outstanding scenery.miles of pacific ocean with amazing sandy beaches with rocky terrane and a huge vast area of the same ,but all so very different we all 3loved it, gave us a great lift from a bad start of the day.
We ended up in a shared log cabin lol,in what is known as bear country,we used the restaurant on the site tonight,food very good,service and people outstanding,really made up for mr unhelpful in the morning.about to go to sleep in our shared log cabin,told to put bars across the doors and windows,as it's bear country,never told us that in the brochure lol,got log fire burning in bedroom love it!!!!
Putting this one on the blogg tomorrow as no service for internet xxxxxx.  
Plan for tomorrow to carry on drive along the coast with a couple of breaks in two towns ,hoping to get just outside of LA,so we can be in LA in the following morning 

Monday 18 October 2010

Are Monday just arrived it's 630 on Monday morning,off to gym and been having trouble with phone now sorted thank goodness, had to phone vodaphone for puke code.need more comments don't just reed ,just say hi if you got nothing to say lol hoping to put photos on today if stu can do xx

Sunday 17 October 2010

Hi another day done,bit confused where to post my blogg,stu training I think this should go in the right place,I have been on the comments section,you comment I blogg,any way another day done,we started off with a good breakfast opposite the hotel,I would recommend it if you passing,it's called the stars cafe lol.then we went to 15 min walk down to get the ferry to go across Alcatraz,on way pop into gets a snack for trip,you must view stu comment about the crisps,I honestly thought my mouth was going to explode,stu and Claire with laughing with tears in there eyes,I now no all about hot chillies,must read the flavour on packet,LESSON Remembered.
Alcatraz we went over about 9 ,for about 3hours,must say not one for museums,but recommend it,excellent.they had a individual audio which move you around the prison and told you and showed you the cells and the big events that accured on the island when it was a prison.also before that two volunteers took us around outside and around the inland found it interesting.near the finish when looking around cells,stu saw a ferry had just come in meant ,me and Claire had to run for our lives to get it,it's easier for me and Claire to do as we are told,military operation in stu eyes he has the day map out by the second lol the ferry turned up 5 min early lol.
When we retured back to sanfansico we headed back to the major shopping area, done damage good fairapy in diesel Nike new spinning tops and Abercrombie fitch.then I decided I head back to hotel as they still had shopping to do,stu gave me instructions on how to get back,guess what got very lost.stu on the other end of phone stressed I was in trouble lol thanks to stu got back in the end
Back in hotel more excercise spinning etc. No sign of stu and Claire lol
Then dinner at hotel
Then fashion show with new clothes with stu and Claire finished the day after doing my blogg.
On the move tomorrow ,get to drive a Cadillac tomorrow on the way to LA lol. Xxxx

Saturday 16 October 2010

On plane

Hopefully this blog is showing on the correct date header! Speak again when we arrive in San Francisco x