Friday 22 October 2010

Leaving LA off to VEGAS

It's now our Thursday morning ,be leaving LA this morning off to a small journey to the airport in the cadillac ,saying good buy to my lovely Cadillac and LA,but Vegas here we come.the plain journey to Vegas is just over a hour,so not that much travelling today.catch back up when I get to Vegas xxxx


  1. Viva Las Vegas !!
    All thats needed is a white jumpsuit with a few rhinestones on, quiff and a wobbly upper lip you can join all the Elvis impersonators Wooo hoo !!!! x

  2. Your poor car its gone :(
    Don't cry Kevin I'm sure you will drive one, or even own one, one day.
    I guess you will be doing some more shopping.
    Enjoy vegus x :)

  3. Enjoy Vegas!
    Am busy packing and head off to Bude tomorrow so you probably won't hear from us again. Hope the rest of your holiday is just as enjoyable.
    And... hope the baggage excess isn't too ridiculous for your journey home!!

