Saturday 16 October 2010

On plane

Hopefully this blog is showing on the correct date header! Speak again when we arrive in San Francisco x


  1. We had 11 hour fright from heatrow,the seats were certainly not built for big people,we survived and were very pleased to arrive in sanfrancisco,stiff and tired but safe and sound.The city was buit on very steep hills,taxis drivers seem to need lessons on how to drive,impatient rude money grabbers.due to the time change we needed to stay up for about 22hours ,Claire reckons it was the longest she had ever been up,still found the enery to go in to her top designer clothes shop lol.stu done well,seems to taken charge,me and Claire go along with him(humour him).anyone would think we on a major operation,everything done on this timetable( bless him)He also seem to of watch to many American films as he loves jumping out in to the road shouting TAXIS,then finding out the taxis is not vacant lol,it does humour me and claire,some parts of the city our very
    sexy,very oxford street London,but a lot of it dated and a bit run down.going to sign off now,hoping to start the day tomorrow in gym with stu and Claire,should be interesting lol,then off to that famous prison,not sure how to spell ,will not show my selve up lol xx

  2. Let hope you dont get to drive, you might not get let out the prison lol :). Hows was the food? Are you eating plenty of fruit! Wayne was wondering did you pack your just right with you? Have a good day x.

  3. Glad you survived the flight!! Stu needs to take charge cos you have no sense of direction kev !!!
    Have fun at the famous prison!!

  4. Today's mission searching for fruit and a cereal like just right,and yes lis my direction has not always been the best lol.its 630 on Sunday morning off to breakfast then prison,then shopping xx

  5. I've always wondered how much kev tastes when he eats due to the speed at which he shovels the food in! Today through an interesting experiment we knew nothing about, we found out! kev had bought a packet of crisps in the morning that he decided to consume at his normal rate when all of a sudden after approximately 7 large crisps he uncharacteristically stopped in his tracks. He had thought he was enjoying ready salted crisps... He was actually eating fiery Habanero flavoured extra hot crisps! If It wasn't for the fact that he had a bottle of water at hand he feared his tongue was about to combust! The tears of laughter from Claire and myself would have easily extinguished the fire from his mouth! Now we know it takes kev about 4 mouth fulls before he knows what he is eating!

  6. fear and courage are like lightning and thunder; they both sart out at the same time, but the fear travels faster and arrives sooner. If we just wait a moment, the requisite courage will be along shortly.
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