Sunday 24 October 2010


Today i started at the outlets about a hour before stu and claire as they are still dealing with their  jet lag there' body clock' lol.I got to outlets with a couple of hip cups but got there in the end, wasn't tempted with much today,except for some spinning socks .But there must of been some bargains there as stu actually made some purchases and of course claire could not be out done and bagged more than stu lol, couple of things that amused me today at the outlets.                 I went to the toilets to relieve my self and I opened the male toilets seeing another row of slot machine ,with people operating them lol it's just like you cant get away from them even in the toilet, suppose the wife can't see what they are up to in there and yes they  do have to step away to relieve THEM selves it wasn't a slot machine that you could multi task, mind you i can see your mind working one hand on the pulley and the other hand, well you no.
The other thing that amused me was I went in the casoline store to buy some bits,the woman was so jolly and pleasant behind the counter and asked if I wanted a bag for my bits,I answered "no thanks i got some room in mine",she got VERY excited with my answer and seemed to have a pre scripted answer ,she said it loud and with a cue behind me it went "thank you for saving the environment and for saving AMERICA",I felt quite pleased that my efforts seemed to go down such a long way with this lady i was even thinking she was going to clap me,i felt that i had saved America on my holidays, I wished her a good day lol.
Came back with stu and Claire done a couple more shops and we brought some show tickets for the lion king,they went to sort our flights seats out with virgin on the computer and pick the shows tickets up for tonight ,busy bees lol,I went to macdonalds to do my blog and have a big cup of tea lol.then went back to my amazing room where they had made my bed joy.I went back to have a shower and relax for half a hour before I went to the show,didn't want dinner tonight so I have the responsibility to get to the show by 8 on my own all I'm dead was well done,but not really for me.
After the show stu signed me up with a players card,as with the show tickets you get 10 dollar(£7) to put in the machine free if you like ,by the way of a card.What you do is do the paper work to get your card,then stick it in two one of the thousands of slot machines and keep having a go until your money runs out(you could say a pointless exercise but it keeps stu happy)today I won at Vegas,I didn't put 1dollar in the machine,not tempted,I'm Vegases worst night mare lol.
Reflecting on our holiday.   
We have  done a lot while being in the USA,in some ways it feels like we have been away longer than what we have,may be as we have done so much in the short time,buts it's  been a good break and a good experience once again.The things I will not miss is the constant tipping,customary to this  country ,which comes hard to us English,we may tip in our restaurants and that is it, in the US they seem expect a tip for so much more,not ideal.But it's  been enjoyable travelling with claire and stu(bless him)in the past 9 days.We have had a good laugh and a good insight on how the Americans  live and operate in the major cities and the small towns that we have passed  in our journey along the coast of the pacific,certainly been encourage by the way we have been treated,customer service in this country in all the parts we have passed through has been generally excellent(except car rental man).people that we have stopped to ask for help or direction or advice have been so couteous,they go out there way to help and seem to be please to be of help..  I've come away in courage once again in the human nature displayed to us by the American people and other ethic people all around the world who we come across in our journey,WELL DONE AMERICA..Also I always find it quite amazing how that the  millions of people that live in cities with a massive diverse of people,that the whole operation seems  to work in pretty good harmony.Vast majority of people seem to play by the rules so that the cities move smoothly.I once again am sitting in my singing and dancing 5star room, 39 floors up off the ground in my boxers with that picture view of VEGAS(yes I did work out how to shut my curtains ,I had a button by my bed that says GOODNIGHT on,I pressed it and the curtains closed and lights went out,how cool is that Matt) My last night tonight,this time tomorrow I be in the plane on way back to gatwick going home, love going away but love going back home to my family and friends and my routine of life FB gym just right banana sandwiches and un made bed etc lol.i hope you have enjoyed my blogg I have enjoyed doing it,if any ones been viewing lol,thanks for comments by Matt,Lisa and Anna ,o yes and stu ..Hes not that clever as today he had a big comment that he had sorted out this morning on the computer and he was about to  post it when he deleted it by mistake lol I expect he have a bit to say when he gets  his act together,they told me tonight that they seem to of got rid of their jet lag at last,shame there going back tomorrow back to England there body clock will be all out again lol .I will make another blogg tomorrow,in about 13 hours we begin our final journey home.xxxx     


  1. It has been good fun reading your blog.
    Did we really need to know you were sitting in your boxers, I think not Kevin
    Saved America that's amazing imagine what would of happened if you were not there.
    You went to America and you got some socks, look forward to seeing them.
    You could always stay longer if you wish the shop is going well.
    I've got the banners and balloons for you x you will love it.

  2. Have really enjoyed reading your blog kev all the funny bits like the crisp incident ( still laughing about that one !!) minor hiccups like you getting very lost and you taking Stu and Claire the wrong way,angry car rental reps and well done to you for saving the environment and saving America, almost got teary !! lol
    look forward to seeing the photos xx
