Saturday 23 October 2010


A good and short flight from LA t0 VEGAS,we arrived in Vegas confronted immediately in the airport by the rows of slot machines,we new we had arrived in VEGAS.As you may no I have done Vegas before and you may not believe this but stu made the discision to hand over the IN charge tabard or baton over to me,I must say I felt slightly nervous ,but felt it would be a good opportunity to impress him.I was feeling quite important marching in front of stu ,instead of me behind him with Claire on my side.With me in charge there there was  less hand moments and I never had a book or a map which he never seems to put down and frequently watching his watch to see if the holidays was running on time also I wasn't so bosses or stresses when given intruction lol.
4 min in,DISASTER occurs don't like to admit it but we should of been going to baggage,but I took them up to the escalator to  CHECK in reign of being in charge lasted all about 4min,it felt good while it lasted,the in charge tabard or baton went straight back to stu and me and Claire were back behind looking at his back with his maps and books and arm actions back directing the holiday,he's loves it bless him lol but now he thinks he even more important than he already thought he was before the event.(Claire said he fell asleep with his map over his face the other night lol) on route from airport to hotel he was even educating the lady who was driving us to the hotel who lived in Vegas for years,about the many facts he has on Vegas,he just can't help him him self(bless him)I never heard so many facts about the places we visited,does he think me and Claire listen to him lol.tell you what he never be out of a job,TOUR GUIDE for any where around the world,for people who like to be educated when on holiday,NOT.
                  VEGAS, what a place,built on a desert middle of no where,where they have built the biggest gambling city in the world.Huge huge business ,the hotels are some of the best in the world,we are at a brand new one called  ARIA cost around 23 billion, not easily impressed but outstanding ,enormous like the size of a town.My room is the best I've ever stayed at,state of the art in many ways,like when I first opened the room door,the curtains starting opening and some cool welcome music switch on with the the most amazing view of Vegas appeared all I was waiting for was the sexy lady to jump out of the wardrobe,but that was a added extra operate the curtain lights temp tv radio alarm room service on the tv's also been nice to get in a made up bed every night lol.                                                                              But if every one was like me in the gambling ,Vegas would be bankrupt ,not impressed how people constantly loosing money,shows what a addiction it is.I may do 5dollars I see ,Claire not up for the gambling but stu seems to be taken in by the bight lights and the big machines and has done several dollars all ready,me and Claire may have to start watching him,I expect he pull a book out tomorrow on how to beat the machines he's  also seems to be interested in the table games as well  he keeps studying them,he's been asking people this holiday for lucky numbers he has about 5 of them,I just hope he picks the right ones out in order lol.
Today when we arrived we done a three hour walk around some of the every hotel the ground floors has shops eating places and many gambling machine and tables.after that we watched a show 'elvis' world class,that's the other main attraction in Vegas world class shows we enjoyed it.
We have another 1and half days before we head back to England stu and claire will need a week all so to recover,signing off now ,sitting here by the window with a stunning view but thinking will I be able to close the curtains lol





  1. Oh my Kevin your so funny it's been really good reading what you been up to. Let's hope stu don't lose to much or he could maybe win loads then he would be richer then you lol.
    Did you manage to close them?
    Enjoy your last day

  2. Wrote this blog this morning but some how lost it before I posted it so here I go again. An abbreviated version due to the fact it is 00.15.

    As kev said we saw an elvis show last night which was fantastic. Afterwards kev wanted to visit his usual haunt of mcdonalds for a cup of tea. We departed but I knew it wouldn't be the last I heard of him. Sure enough he didn't let me down. About half an hour later he phoned to let me know he was lost. He had given up on going out to mcdonalds because he couldn't find his way out of the hotel! Now in fairness it is huge but he had also phoned because he couldn't remember his room number... Or floor! (I'm not joking).

    As kev has also said the hotel rooms are incredible. Everything is controlled by the remote control, except kev, of course.

    Although, kev drinks more tea than anyone I have ever known, he also has a very poor retention capacity. Is this a recent problem due to his age or has this been the case for a while?

    keV has spent the last 36 hours trying to find the gym...he thinks he knows where it is now and will hope to report , no doubt, that he has gone and missed me in there.

    Off to sleep now, will send a final blog tomorrow. Claire and I looking forward to getting back for a rest! Has been a great experience though and we look forward to seeing you and hopefully not bore you too much with our photos. xx
