Tuesday 12 October 2010

4 sleeps to go!!!


  1. Buying the dollars tomorrow for the trip

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I notice your brag of 3 degrees... You forgot to mention like your homework, who actually did the work for your long list of qualifications, except, of course your cycle proficiency badge which you can take full credit for. However, if I remember correctly you used to ride aggressively on the pavements on the way to school, not the road! He he. Perhaps, this is why you are so addicted to spinning.

  4. I think I need to be credited,for the running races that I won as well,and the fights I suppose you don't want to mention them.2 sleeps to go!!!!!!!

  5. 1sleep to go,off to heathrow at 630 in morning ,getting excited !!!!!!! Xx

  6. Dad taking us up to heat row,tout begins. Xx

  7. Done checking,now in cafe having hot choc and croissants. Xx

  8. When posting comment please select keV on tour(google),where it says select profile xx

  9. Hope you have a great time!

    Beth says 'Thank you' and Freya says 'Hope you fun in the aeroplane'!

    Think you need to start a new day blog, had to track through Tuesday's comments to find this.

  10. Mr kevin Barry said thanks for the card, he would like to meet up with you one day for a chat. How's the plane? Very good day today the shop is still standing lol. Look forward to see what you get up to. Enjoy it and the rest x.
