Sunday 24 October 2010


It's nearly mid day on Sunday here,be about 8 in evening where you are ,we will begin our journey to the vegas airport in about 2 hours,had a lay in this morning,ready for a long journey home.I'm sitting in macdonalds with a large tea,cookies and a apple pie writing my last blogg in the US.stu already getting a bit stressed working every thing out on where and what time we have to be by the min,there going to  have breakfast in hotel I could not wait for them as hes still-organising the military with draw from Vegas lol.I think he would like me on a lead today,he phoned me twice asking where I am and reminding me the time I have to be back at hotel ,he's even just text me the time and place where I have to be lol(bless him).signing off now as got to get some fruit for flight and the time is ticking. Lol. Xxxxxxxxxxx. 


  1. I have noticed that although I have been the butt of about 80% of kev's jokes which I must add is greatly exaggerated in the most part it has bought to light kev's creative and witty side, along with his poor spelling!

    It is has been interesting that recent blogs by keV have not mentioned my lack of gym or spinning workouts. This I think is due to the amount of time keV has spent in mcdonalds and not in the gym!

    I would like to say how much I've enjoyed in most parts, our 9 day cram packed experience. Thanks to Claire for keeping us sane and being her normal wonderful self! And kev for being disorganized, unfocussed but thankfully very funny most of the time!

  2. Wow...wee what an adventure! I've had a great 9 days. From thinking I'd have to get bail money together, taking in amazing views driving along the coast in our big, black, shiny cadillac, dodging the bears at Big Sur to birthday celebrations in LA, it's been great!

    The Americans have been lovely, honest and helpful. (some a little too loud!) no more standing in line, stopping for gas, catching the elevator or asking for the check. And no more tipping constantly!

    I've never stayed awake so long, giggled so much, walked so much, eat so many fries, seen and done so much in 9 days.
    Thanks Stu and Kev for an unforgettable holiday! Look forward to the 80th trip! he he!

