Thursday 21 October 2010


Today after breakfast got back into our cadilac and stopped off about six times at shops which Claire had already planed out before she left the England,thats what I call a PROFESSIONAL shopperlol ,pleased to say we have got a boot that can cope with the many bags,goodness knows what going to happen at the airport today has been rainy in LA,only gets 20 days a year of rain we had to be here to see it and from a small distance we saw the biggest flashes of lighting we have ever seen a bit scary but exciting as well. 
LA is huge,great shops to rubbish shops,sexy parts and not so sexy parts.very rich to the very poor,the people we have come across have been pretty laid back,and generally very nice and helpful .car driving is generally calm and drivers are very courteous ,even in the major city of LA.the shops literally go on for miles upon miles,can even drain the most professional of shoppers like Claire.
Stu has been single handily been navigating us around LA,must say hes doing a good job,he's even beginning to feel like a local, helping tourist where to go,I suppose American is in his blood so he could be a local lol.also he's even been trying to tell americans how to drive,he does get a bit stressed bless him.driving been good fun and cheap£100.00 tank in our country £33.00 here bargain.going on the right hand side and going round roundabouts the opposite way just like being back home lol.
The hotel that we are at for the next two nights is 5 star and very nice it's on the Hollywood strip,it's where the stars are put in the payment.we had dinner tonight close by the hotel which they sung happy birthday which was not ideal' thanks claire',only 40 once I suppose.stu was wondering where we would go for our 80th I suggested the same place,but i would help Claire get him out of bed in to his wheel chair in the morning and feed him when I finish my spinning session lol.he's going to go spinning with me in morning,we will believe that when I see it,they are having a good time but they are as they put it 'shattered',it's almost all to much for them,they keep talking about there "jet lag"and there "body clock"being out lol,must say I'm  fine don't no what they are going on about lol,they have retired to bed tonight at 930 as they were struggling to operate,bless them.But I suppose they only move a  mouse around the table all day.
We have another day full day in LA tomorrow,which stus tonight has organised down to the mini second,got to be ready by 9am sharp bless ,hes head lined the day tomorrow as a "TOURIST DAY"lol we are firstly having breakfast then going across the road to madame tussores then a bus tour around the famous parts of LA,then a 3hour visit to universal studios,see how they cope with that! lol.
This post I will do in morning as no Internet ,hope all well in England keep following my blog many thanks kev xxxxx



  1. In brief response to the abuse I seem to be getting from kev who doesn't get affected by the time difference... The old adage 'no sense, no feeling' springs to mind! However if the truth be known the fact that at 8pm he is yawning and looking forward to a good nights sleep has obviously nothing to do with the time difference and maybe the fact that the big '40' is hitting him more than he thinks! I have noticed also the regularity of his toilet stops is alarmingly frequent... Another tell-tale sign of age effecting him I would suggest. He says, it is because the tea here is served in such large cups. Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes. It is appreciated. Xx

  2. Just wondering can you bring home some fuel, i could do with a tank load.
    We had some rain last night been dry all day but very cold.
    Have you been spending lots of money?
    You better make sure your on time for 9am I know what your timeing like you don't want to mess up the set plan. X

  3. you cant go to LA without having a really good shop kev !
    You go for it Claire obviously being 40 now Kev you obviously cant keep up with the shopping trips! as the for the toilet stops well what can i say old age is definitely setting in lol x
