Tuesday 19 October 2010

What a day!

WHAT A DAY........seen the worst american service to the very best .started the day off by the great cafe opposite our hotel,stars cafe,enjoyed a great breakfast,fruit,pancakes and toast.
Then got our luggage and a taxis to the car rental office into town at around 10am,expecting to pick up our luxury cadillac car,joined a large cue eventually getting to be served by the most un helpful human being on earth.we were told by the travel agent in writing to pick the car up at this place at10am but MR unhelpful (car rental man)told us the car was at the airport and for us the customer had to sort it out,don't no if people generally just put up with this customer service from MR un helpful but he pick on the wrong two this morning,he made not one bit of effort to sort the issue out,told us it was our problem and that we had to pay and take the hour journey to the airport,picture the scene,major discussion taking place by me,stu and mr un helpfull about the car,with a big cue building up behind us in a little office.we were trying to educate him that we were the customer and that he had to sort it out,then we seemed to be getting no where at all,mr un helpfull was not coping well with me and stu he ask us to leave the office or he would phone the police and get us removed.(I was getting a vision of me and stu in jail for are our birthday and Claire trying to get the bail money to get us release lol).after about the forth time of him telling us that he was about to phone the police we left the office ,  the 20 people behind listening to the whole 15 min event also getting very impaient with the situation ,we were not going to go with out a fight,not literally I'm afraid, we then found the  boss who we were pleased to say was mr helpful and apologetic within a hour we had our black shiny Cadillac,we were a bit stressed about the whole situation but not out lol.
The journey a long the coast began a bit late but we started our journey south bound on the 101 heading the 430 mile journey toLA.we done about 150 miles stopping at Monterey              Then we done another 30 miles and stop off at the big sure,  In a lodge cabin for the night.
The day started bad,but really improved as the day went on,the journey along the coast,AMAZING not easily impressed but yes impressed. outstanding scenery.miles of pacific ocean with amazing sandy beaches with rocky terrane and a huge vast area of the same ,but all so very different we all 3loved it, gave us a great lift from a bad start of the day.
We ended up in a shared log cabin lol,in what is known as bear country,we used the restaurant on the site tonight,food very good,service and people outstanding,really made up for mr unhelpful in the morning.about to go to sleep in our shared log cabin,told to put bars across the doors and windows,as it's bear country,never told us that in the brochure lol,got log fire burning in bedroom love it!!!!
Putting this one on the blogg tomorrow as no service for internet xxxxxx.  
Plan for tomorrow to carry on drive along the coast with a couple of breaks in two towns ,hoping to get just outside of LA,so we can be in LA in the following morning 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. keV will no doubt give you a run down on events today but I am personally happy to be a free man! Briefly, when picking up our luxury Cadillac that had been pre booked, we were told that it wasn't at where we were told it would be and that we could have a runoff the mill van but it would cost us more! You might imagine we weren't particularly enamoured with this proposition. After trying to explain the logic of this situation and that we were the customer and he was the car rental company responsible to sort out this predicament we were unreasonably asked to leave or the police would be called. Fortunately, we found the manager in charge who thankfully sorted out this potentially scary situation and we were able to drive away in front of the dozen people who were waiting impatiently behind us in the queue (wishing we would just leave it!) and wave triumphantly in the best car in the lot, justifying our argument!

    Apart from that we proceeded to make our way along the west coast of California. We have witnessed the most amazing spectacular views; kev stopping on frequent occasions wanting the scenery as ideal backdrops to photos of himself and HIS Cadillac!

    We have ended up in a lovely wood cabin in the middle of a forest with trees as tall as 350ft and 20ft in diameter. Quite an amazing place and a great experience.

    Tomorrow should see us make around 250 miles along highway 1 and more breathtaking views.

  3. Go Kevin go Kevin you told them. How's the car going?
    Hope your having a good birthday
    Where's these pictures would be great to see some.
    Did you see any bears I can just picture you fighting the bear.
    Don't forget to get some fuel !
    It would be so nice to be on holiday. We are all having loads of fun at work looking forward to them nice cream cakes when your home.
    Happy driving x

  4. Oh your mate Barry been in he loves the card and said hope your having a nice time.
