Wednesday 20 October 2010


It's our birthday,in LA having breakfast in some trendy breakfast cafe that Claire pulled out of her booklet,very sexy.yesterday we in the end drove to LA and found a hotel at about 9pm,we done about 300 miles,stu navigated,Claire looking for names on post and road marking and me driving,we done it together HALLELUJAH!
As I Woke up this morning laid there to see if I could still move my feet,legs and body now that I am 40,amazing I can still can do it.Got up went to gym to check I could still do spinning and yes I did it,there may still be life after40.mind you stu was going to do spinning with me the night before,come630 in the morning he could not get himself out of bed,funny that perhaps life going to be even slower for stu now he is 40lol
Plan for today is to book into our pre booked hotel and then go to some of the shops in LA,great.stu been organising the days events as I been doing my blog ,again like a military operation,me and Claire just say yes in the appropriate places,entertain him,bless him lol
Thanks for your texts and comments,about our birthday,keep them coming,I also have had followers that have made no comment,sort it out Trendy uncle Gray.signing off many thanks keep being part of my blog take care. Xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you have made it. That's to LA and 40 lol hope your having fun shopping. Enjoy the rest of your day x
